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Program Name : 17th Head to Heart
Start Date & Time : Saturday, 22nd Feb 2025, 10:00 AM
End Date & Time : Sunday, 23rd Feb 2025, 05:00 PM
Cost per participant : This program will cost The Life School Rs 3000 per participant. Your donation will help us to continue conducting such programs.
Description : 17th Head to Heart Residential Retreat  Facilitated by: Dr Prabakar Kamath   This program is a process of active experimentation which enables participant to see how the world of feelings can hide under the thick layer of thoughts. As a consequence, the energy of emotions do not pass through. The experiential recognition of the psychological mess thus created is at the core of this retreat.  The program helps participants to undertake a journey from the head to the heart. They begin to  1. Become aware of what limits their efficacy in personal and professional space. 2. Recognize how they impact others in life situations. 3. Discover patterns of thinking and behaving which enhances performance in all roles they play.