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The Life School

The Life School, Bhopal is a registered society whose members come from all walks of life - doctors, technocrats, teachers, administrators and entrepreneurs. A shared interest in the subject of self-exploration brought them together. Their collective and individual strive to understand the fundamental principles of joyful living laid foundation of this institution.

It is transformative to recognize that joy does not depend upon achievements nor does it come by avoiding the anxieties of daily life nor by travelling to places that promise solitude. It is now and here. And also that the responsibility for suffering and fulfillment rests squarely on our own shoulders. It is neither a matter of destiny nor does it depend on the way the world operates. The Life School is a platform that endeavors to reach out in the hope that sharing this recognition would help people unshackle the burden that makes their life miserable.


How does Life School work

The Life School offers an enabling environment to anyone interested in self-inquiry. It works on the teaching-learning-teaching mode where sharing is central and formal instructions peripheral. It does not propagate any mysticism nor any particular school of thought. Your educational qualification or lack of it and your knowledge of scriptures or lack of it makes no difference. While keeping the dependence on academic deliberations at bare minimum, our emphasis remains on simple practices that enable free flow of life-energy. We do not remedy undesirable situation of your life, but share ways to alleviate the suffering arising out of it. The Life School is a laboratory where you are the subject and also the object of every experiment. The effort is to “Make You Turn” so that the exploration of our inner territory, which is largely alien to most of us, begins. The tools of navigating this unknown space can be tried and tested here - both for their dependability and efficacy.

The contents of our programs do not depend on any scriptural preaching, therapy or belief system. They are designed to help participant unlearn the old patterns and bring out fresh learning from within. All of us carry seeds of fear, anger, guilt, hatred, love and compassion within. We help nurture the right ones and rid of the undesirable ones. For this you are only required to be willingly open and receptive.

This is a wakeup call – you may abide by it or ignore.

Why The Life School

We are brought up within the boundaries of our familial, social, educational and political structures to be productive members of society. To be successful in life takes precedence over the need to be joyful. We believe that happiness is only a by-product of our material gains. We react to life-situations and in the process block ourselves internally. In such conditions, our true nature remains unrecognized and the otherwise avoidable suffering becomes part of life.

Many people begin to see that more does not become enough. Whatever may the accomplishments be, something remains amiss. And paradoxically this gap does not diminish with increasing gains in wealth, power, fame or winning other accolades. A sense of constant inadequacy creates unrest within giving rise to an urge to somehow seek fulfillment. The customary ways of thinking and behaving do not offer any lasting solace to them.

To be able to identify our true nature and also actualize our true potential, we must free ourselves from the shackles that hold us down. As we raise our awareness and start knowing how the trinity of body-thought-emotions works to block or unblock, our dependence on others - people, situations, events- for joy and fulfillment begins to diminish. A sense of well-being, which does not rest on the quick sand of daily experience and their impermanence, will touch you. The life-situations can now be faced with equanimity never experienced before.

May it be known that you are unique, sacred and powerful. You can be your own Master – one who is not hostage to vexations of life-situations.

How much you succeed at this endeavor depends on none else but you.