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Program Name : Head to Heart - Residential Retreat
Start Date & Time : Saturday, 28th Sep 2024, 10:00 AM
End Date & Time : Sunday, 29th Sep 2024, 05:00 PM
Description : Head to Heart Facilitated by: Dr Prabakar Kamath This program enables participant through active experimentation to see how their world of thoughts makes the world of feelings unavailable to them. As a consequence, the energy of various emotions gets blocked causing psychological mess that most are unaware of. The experience arising out of this recognition is at the core of this retreat.  The program helps participants to undertake a journey from the head to the heart. This helps them 1. Become aware of those patterns of thinking and behaving, which limits their efficacy in personal and professional space. 2. Recognize how they impact others in life situations. 3. Discover new patterns that enable enhanced performance in all roles they play.