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The Life School

The Life School, Bhopal is a registered society whose members come from all walks of life - doctors, technocrats, teachers, administrators and entrepreneurs. A shared interest in the subject of self-exploration brought them together. Their collective and individual strive to understand the fundamental principles of joyful living laid foundation of this institution.

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Why The Life School

We are brought up within the boundaries of our familial, social, educational and political structures to be productive members of society. To be successful in life takes precedence over the need to be joyful. We believe that happiness is only a by-product of our material gains. We react to life-situations and in the process block ourselves internally. In such conditions, our true nature remains unrecognized and the otherwise avoidable suffering becomes part of life.

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Our Programs

Every program at Life School aims at “Making You Turn.” This means learning to shift awareness from attractions or distractions of the outside world to what is happening within. This sounds simple but may not be easy. Our inner world is an unchartered territory. A strong commitment and resolve is needed to explore it. It is therefore primarily working on one’s own Self.

These programs help cross section of people seeking enhanced personal, social or professional life experience. Whether you are a student, faculty, CEO, Corporate executive, self-employed, businessman, working in Government – this institution offers to enhance your personal and professional competency. You bloom both at your workplace and also in the private space.

Sharing the Book

To gain insight into how the body-mind vehicle functions and what tools of navigation can be used to drive it in the right direction, we read the book “Making You Turn” authored by Harkirat-Iqbal ...

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Day Long Retreat

This program offers an opportunity to see our psychological mess. You will understand how badly the energy of various emotions are blocked in your system and the havoc it creates in life. The relief t ...

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Sunday Session

This program popularly known as “Making You Turn” is held each Sunday from 10 am to 12 pm. It offers an opportunity to do few activities that helps us in mastering the art of mindfulness. The obje ...

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Residential Retreat

Our residential retreats are organized over a period of one or more days. They are not structured in the traditional teacher-student framework. The participants are encouraged to learn through sharing ...

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‘Reconnect’ is an online session attended by those who participated in any program conducted by the The Life School. It is a platform where queries in respect of a concept or a practise is attende ...

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Besides the regular programs, mentioned above, which are published on the website from time to time, the life school also conducts special programs on your request. These are customized programs desig ...

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